HSE-course for managers – HMS-kurs for ledere på engelsk

According to the Working Environment ACT § 3-5, the employer shall have training in health, environment and safety work (HSE). The obligation is personal and can not be delegated. This course aims to provide such training. During this course you will learn the basic requirements of the Working Environment Act (AML) and related regulations, so that you can succeed with the HSE work in your company.

Mange av våre kurs gjennomføres i digitalt klasserom som et videomøte. Løsningen støtter toveis-kommunikasjon med lyd og bilde mellom instruktør og deltakere. Les mer her

• Basic knowledge of the Working Environment Act
• Duties of employer, employees and safety representatives
• Requirements regarding the working enviroment
• Roles and responsibilities
• Systematic health, environment and safety work
• Working environment cooperation

Target group:
Managers, Managing Directors, CEOs, Department managers and similiar.

Knowledge requirements:

Practical information:
The duration of the course is 1 day, from 08.00-16.00. Trygg Kurs AS provides all necessary equipment for the completion of the course.

The total price of the course is NOK. 4.900, – per participant.
The price includes course material, lunch and issue of certificate of competence.

Internal course:
The training can be arranged within your company as an internal course. With such an arrangement we can adapt to your needs when it comes to the content and duration of the training.

Upcoming Courses
