Safe use of personnel lift – Liftkurs på engelsk

Norwegian authorities demand that everyone using personnel lifts must have documented training in the use of lifts. It is the employers’ responsibility to provide such training for their employees. (See “Regulations concerning the performance of work” § 10-2)

Themes discussed:
– Law and regulation
– Operation
– Types of lifts and their usage
– Maintenance and control
– Classification
– Unwanted incidents and risks
– The course also includes a practical part where the participants can practice on our lifts.

Learning goals: The course provides knowledge on how to use personnel lifts and raises the awareness of risks and ways to mitigate these.

Admission requirement: Participants have to be 18 years.

Language: English. (Also available in Norwegian.)

Internal for your company: This course can also be delivered as an internal course for your company only. Please contact us for an offer an to check availability.

Online course: This course is also available online on

Price: 2550,-. Price includes digital diploma and lunch.

Upcoming course dates
